Modest Is Hottest (Part 3)

Our third and final post on our series! Our first part talked about the different definitions of modesty and what they meant to me (to read Part 1 click here.) In part 2 we looked at what the Bible says about these definitions and how they focus on the different ways to show modesty (to read Part 2 click here.) Now today I'm just going to add some closing comments on how modesty has played a part in my life! Thank you so much for joining me for this series! Enjoy!

Modesty is NOT always easy. With each passing year there are new trends and with each passing year  everyone follows those trends. As a girl who strives to lives in modesty, shopping can prove to be very difficult. But, if you want to dress modestly you make a way for it, adding your own fashion do's and don't's to the coming years lists. Now, just because I strive my best to be modest doesn't always mean that I am or that I'm always okay with it. It is a daily struggle and can be quite annoying sometimes. But, throughout the years I've learned to respect modesty. It has not only helped me as a person but helped me as a follower of Christ. I've come to respect and love the body God has blessed me with and count it a blessing to dress it according to His will.

When it comes to having an attitude of a modest person, well.....let's just say I need some improvement. (Don't we all though?!) I try very hard not to raise myself up but instead to bow down and worship Him. To now stress my abilities in things but instead give the honor to Him and show everyone that it is by Him that I'm able.

Everyday brings something new to learn and I grow everyday in my quest to be modest thanks to His redeeming grace. Thanks for joining in my journey! Now try starting a journey of your own!

"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
Proverbs 31:30


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