If Jesus Were To Knock, Would You Open?
I think everyone would click on the title of this blog and mentally answer, “Well of course I’d answer!” But, as willing as we are to say that, would we really? Would you just go right up to the door and open it? Catching Him in an embrace and thanking Him for coming? Or would you caution yourself, awkwardly opening the door and standing there with downcast eyes recounting all of the sins you've committed in the hour before He arrived?
There are many different answers to this question, everyone would probably answer the door differently. Even if many of us would like to believe we'll answer it joyfully and show our Savior around the house. So, let's look at some of our answers.
Many of us would LOVE to, without a doubt, reply to the question above with this answer! Willingly allowing Jesus to just stroll in as if He has lived there for years. Showing Him every single room in the house (yes, even the dirty ones you may not have recently dusted.) Think of how joyous it would be, to have Jesus over! To laugh and cry and talk with Him, and to simply bask in His amazing presence!
2) Run to the door, slowly open the door and nervously smile at Jesus saying you weren't expecting Him.
It's not that you weren't excited to see Him. You just weren't ready. He came at a time you weren't expecting and you're a little apprehensive about showing Him inside. You end up showing Him inside, but only to the couple of clean front rooms of your house. Going too far in may show Him how messy you really are, and how could you show Jesus that?! You would be humiliated! You want Him inside, but only slightly, you aren't ready to show Him the unclean parts or lose control of your entire house.
3) Walk to the door and look out the peephole, wondering how to answer the door.
IT'S HIM!! What do you do? Do you want Him inside? What if He sees all the dirt? You feel so unworthy of having someone so important walk around your unorganized comfort zone. You finally open the door, but you only invite him to sit on the porch. You rush things so He does not stay long, and you keep your focus on the floor instead of looking up into His radiant face.
4) You walk slowly to the door, open it, gaze almost needingly into His face and then slam it shut deciding you've changed your mind and are too afraid to have Him enter.
You're so happy He has chosen to knock on your door, but, you feel so unworthy. You are simply in awe of Him and because of that feel as if He should be visiting some other house. One much bigger and cleaner than yours. So, even though you want Him to enter, you fear you aren't good enough and therefore you shut the door and leave Him at your doorstep.
5) You walk slowly to the door, knowing that you aren't expecting anyone. You glance slightly out the window and realize it's Jesus. Instead of inviting Him in you simply watch quietly through the window hoping He goes away.
It's not like you aren't honored He is visiting. But, you really aren't in the mood for Him to come visit you. Or, you're afraid He'll come in and see something He doesn't approve of. You don't want to change anything and quite frankly you don't want to surrender your most personal space and things to Him.
6) You come to the door and look through the peephole, annoyed that you have company. You open it and automatically yell at Jesus to go away. You close the door and walk away without a second thought of the man on the other side.
You simply don't want Him here. He shouldn't be bothering you or your life. You've heard of what He does, and you may not like it. So, you tell Him to leave wanting nothing to do with Him.
7) You look out your window and see Jesus walking through the neighborhood. You throw open your door and run to Him, begging Him to come visit your house. Wanting Him to see every room and to help you clean.
You know you desperately want Him to enter your house. You NEED Him to. He needs to see every dirty room you own so He can help you clean it. You crave His company. You want HIM and nothing less.
There are so many different answers that we, as humans, have to this question. But, did you know that Jesus only has one answer? He will ALWAYS knock. He will FOREVER be at your door. He will NEVER give up on you!
Want to know a secret? Jesus has already seen everything. All the dirt, the chaos, the unorganization. He's seen it all, and yet He still wants to visit you! To help you clean up the dirt and make all things new. So, what do you say? Will you let Him in when He knocks?
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