Behind These Deep Blue Eyes......
"They say the eyes are the windows to your soul."
It's a saying that has been passed around for many years, making it perfect for tweets, Instagram captions and FaceBook posts. A lot of people say this, but what do they mean by it? I mean, lets be honest with ourselves, eye contact can be overwhelming. (Especially for my fellow introverts and I.) You actually have to look at someone's eyes?! What?! Do you know how hard it is to even speak to them, let alone look at them? That's asking a lot. But, it's really not. And it's something I'm going to start working on, starting today.
I started this morning. I failed a few times (sorry to the girl in the elevator who was trying to converse with me this morning.....) But, I've also succeeded. It's the beginning of a whole new world for me, and in more ways than one. Here are a few things I've already noticed....
(A photo I took of my families eyes. LEFT TOP CORNER GOING DOWN THEN TO THE LEFT: Dad, Mom, Nina (me), Anna May, Ella and Mia)
Every person has different colored eyes! Isn't that amazing? Even fellow blue eyes like mine, are actually not like mine. For example, my sister Ella has BRIGHT blue eyes. They're a beautiful crystal blue, that I sometimes tend to envy. Anna May's a more of a dark blue. Ya know, the kind you could get lost in. (Boys, back off!!) Mine, they're more like a combination. They're a very light yet deep blue with a hazel rim around my pupil. Meaning, they change depending on my outfit and my mood. It's amazing to see all of the different colors, even within the colors. I'm definitely an eye person, meaning I look at someone's eye color before anything else. I will say that blue eyes are my fave!
Have you ever been "the person?" The one that EVERYONE comes to in order to vent about problems? Breakups, parents, siblings, school. You know how it goes. Have you ever taken the time to see how they really feel? Not just surface, but deep down? Everyone has a feeling inside of a feeling, and most of the time the other feeling is darker than we would like to admit so we hide it. Or at least try to. Not only do our feelings sometimes pour out through our eyes and onto our cheeks, but they pour out through our eyes in general. There are so many scientific things that give away our feelings through our eyes. Squinting to show dislike, big eyes to show amazement, dilated pupils to show interest or attraction, down cast eyes to show shame, upcast eyes to show praise or surrender, bright eyes to show joy....the list goes on and on. Your eyes give away more than just pretty vibrant colors to admire.
This is a touchy one. Because mainly I'm talking about the skin around the eyes. But that still has to do with eyes right? If you look at someones eyes you can see things such as wrinkles, dark spots and other things. Showing signs of grief, laughs, smiles, fatigue, alertness, and many other things.
Well, this one is a bit obvious. But I had to involve it because when I asked my boyfriend for some help, (I was going through some writers block) he answered my question perfectly! I said, "When you think of eyes what do you think of?" His response was, "When I think of eyes I think of a creation by God to see His creation!" I felt like that was something that needed to be added. God gave us sight to see His creation. To see one another, to connect with one another. To cry together, laugh together, live life together.
Our eyes tell a story, and not just the story but the feelings in them. Have you ever watched someone talk about something they're passionate about? Or a singer tell a story through a song? Next time you do, pay attention to their eyes. It'll give you even more insight to that persons life and heart. I know what's behind my deep blue you?
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